This dog is only 2 years old. During this short period he managed to be both a house pet, and a homeless animal. Once, this pet named Archi lived in an apartment in Kyiv and faithfully served his owners. And one day he was found lying under the supermarket. The dog was sick and almost didn’t move.
Caring people asked local residents and the guards in the parking lot how the pet ended up there. Turns out, one day a car approached the supermarket and, without braking, threw the dog through the door.
Crippled, betrayed and now the homeless pet didn’t lose hope in people and, as before, looks at every passing car, hoping that his owner will be back. One day the poor dog fell under the wheels of one of the cars.
Archi completed a long rehabilitation course thanks to caring people and volunteers who didn’t leave him alone in the street and began to help actively. He was castrated and given all the necessary vaccinations. Now he is completely healthy, and people still hope that his new owners will love the dog and take care of him.
Surprisingly the dog still reaches to people: seems like he doesn’t hold a grudge against anyone. May he finds a permanent house sooner and lives a happy, long life.