Introducing readers to the main character named Angel. At the age of 42, it was discovered that Angel weighed 259 kilograms. At that time, Angel couldn’t care for the child, so her spouse took on the responsibility of raising the child.
Introducing readers to the main character named Angel. At the age of 42, it was discovered that Angel weighed 259 kilograms. At that time, Angel couldn’t care for the child, so her spouse took on the responsibility of raising the child.
After the child’s birth, Angel gained an additional 90 kilograms. Her spouse noticed the health risks, convincing her to participate in a reality show where she received help to lose the excess weight.
Commenters on social media noted Angel’s resilience and the challenges she faced. Some expressed sympathy, others admired her determination, and a few highlighted the health aspect.
The story sparked various reactions, ranging from admiration to reflection on societal expectations and individual choices.