Ryan King, a vibrant and joyful 10-year-old girl, loves playing golf, participating in fashion shows, and taking part in school plays. Despite being in a wheelchair due to spina bifida, she engages in all these activities with enthusiasm.
When Ryan’s class planned a mountain trip to visit a waterfall, her teacher, Jim Freeman, found a way to help the young girl in a wheelchair who wanted to travel to the mountains with her classmates.
Ryan, however, was upset, knowing that the steep mountain trails were vastly different from a classroom or schoolyard. While it seemed impossible for her to make the trip in a wheelchair, Ryan continued to hope for a miracle.
Jim Freeman, acting like a fairy godparent, approached the girl’s parents and asked if they could carry her in a special baby carrier backpack. Once the class reached a flatter area, Ryan could sit on a folding chair and fully enjoy the magnificent view.
The little girl was thrilled with the vacation, and her parents were eternally grateful to the teacher for providing their daughter with a true fairy tale experience.